I dediced to just go on, telling you about my Scotland trip right away! ^^
Why wait?
As expected, whenever I sleep in a new bed, I wake up extra early in the next morning, and this day was no exception. I snuk up and went to the toilet before I crawled back into bed with my book for a while. Then my sister finally opened her eyes, and it was time for some breakfast before going into town again! I tried out crumpets, which I absolutely loved *v* Especially with chocolate spread *Q* And I got to taste a great flavour of tea that I really liked! It was cardamom <3 I wound up drinking it almost every morning after that XD haha...

ehm, well, anyway ^^"
When we had finished, I just had to choose what to wear.
Since there was no snow on the ground, I had the chance to finally wear my black platform shoes again outside, which I still won´t be able to do at home for quite some time!
So offcourse I took the chance to do that! I wore a pastel goth outfit this day, to match it it.
I probably spendt far to long on my makeup,
But I rather like how It looked in the end, so it was worth it :)
But I rather like how It looked in the end, so it was worth it :)
This day we had decided to go into Princess street, to look at all the clothing stores!
I was really excited about it, since they have a lot of shops we don´t have at home there :)
First we went to Urban Outfitters, and basically worked our way all the way down to Top Shop, along the whole street. I think we went into almost every single shop! Except Primark, and a few others (I don´t know about you guys, but I feel like Primark is far to intimidating to go into xD It is far to big!)
I got a really nice necklace with pearls, a cross and loads of pink diamonds on it from a shop called "New Look". Later on, a bit down the street, we stumbled upon "the bodyshop" also, and I just had to go in to buy a refill for a daycream I am almost out of. It turned out that they didn´t have it in stock (and the other shop we found later on, didn´t have it either :-/). I did get the nightcream from the same set though, since I would need to get that in not to long anyway, but I was a bit disappointed.
Our dad sent us a text message about picking up some stuff that I were to bring home with me for them, so by the time we were about to go into Topshop, we had to go up another street for a while to find a tiny little shop my sister knew about that had what they were seeking. On the way there, we had lunch at a nice little café with an african theme going on. I had a sandwich with a banana milkshake *v* My sister had tea and a panini :3
On our way back, I knew about a few other stores I wanted to visit that wasn´t in Princess street, but quite close by, so I suggested for my sister to take the turn around those when we went back! ^^
We walked down the royal mile for a little bit, and walked down a narrow street with tons of lovely little nick-nack shops along it. We didn´t look to closely into these shops yet, since we were planning on going there another time, so really, we only visited a couple of them.
THIS was inside one of the shops *____* It is chocolate! ALL of it! I just had to take a picture,
It looked so amazing *v* They had all kinds of weird combinations!
(I bought some a couple of days later =v= )
And now I have to tell you all something very funny that happend next! ^^
We went into a little trift shop/clothing store that had loads of really neat alternative clothing, vintage things and cool Harajuku like accessories. I was just browsing and minding my own buisness around the counter, when the girl behind it (she had green hair, and was really adorable. Looked like someone straight out of tumblr!) looked at me and said carefully "uhm.. sorry.... your headband... is it, from iro... iro..." I looked at her and smiled "do you mean Irodohieru?" I asked, and she just lit up "yeah! thats it! Is it?", "oh yeah it is! She is a friend of mine!" I said and smiled.
She smiled even more and said "oh my gosh! I am such a big fan of her style, she is so cool!" and I couldn´t do anything but agree with her offcourse! ^^
I just have to tell Saga about this, I thought to myself as we left the shop,
so I decided to write about the little encounter here :3 It was so lovely...
Your work is known worldwide Saga! :D you are so talented <3
Your work is known worldwide Saga! :D you are so talented <3
The little shop I was going to visit in that street, happend to be closed this day, but we didn´t loose spirits just because of that! We walked on, and visited a small anime shop that my sisters boyfriend had told us about they day before. They seemd to have a very low stock at the moment, but I bought some japanese candy that I´ve wanted to try for a while and some blueberry pocky and banana pocky ;V;
Well down in Princess street we headed over to visit Topshop finally, and then we went to the lovely accesories shop "Claire´s". I didn´t find anything I liked there, and since it was closing time soon (around 6 pm) we decided to walk down back to the beginning of Princess street, since I wanted to have a quick look at a plaid skirt I´d seen on Urban Outfitters. On the way there my sister popped into a shop and tried on and bought a beautiful blue linen dress that looked really great on her.
Sadly it wasn´t meant to be a skirt for me, because when I tried it on it didn´t really look good on me. So we left empty handed.
We figured out we hadn´t got any pictures, so we snapped one outside.
With todays purchases
After all of that, we went home to rest. My feet were killing me, and my sisters back were killing her, so we needed the brake! This evening we decided to get Sushi. Together with her boyfriend we went down to a local place we knew about that wasn´t to far from her flat (we were far to tired to walk for a long while xD). It turned out all of us would rather have something warm to eat, so my sister and her boyfriend got yakisoba while I got yakiudon. I have never had it before, but I enjoyed it quite a bit, it was so tasty! *v*
It had been another long day, with so many happenings!
It felt great to just crawl into bed that night, and once again I fell asleep almost at once.
Couldn´t wait for another fantastic day with my sister! ^^
aaah you looked so cute as always! sounds like such a fun trip <3
SvarSlettthank you! ^^
Slettlove your cute clothes coordination in that street-picture :D I want a pair of those shoes ;__;
SvarSlettthank you! ^^ It is sadly the only "outfit" picture I got :P sadly you can´t see it all, but still :P
Slettthe shoes are from an*tai*na on taobao! they are quite cheap!
you look adorable as always :) I'm glad that you're having fun sweetie, I love that city too, There's so much to see and do :)
thank yooou! ^0^ it was TONS of fun :D
Sletttons of stuff to do! I enjoyed every day :)
You look very cute *O* Naah I want that chocolate -3-' I have to go to scotland someday, too ~ ;)
SvarSlettthank you ^////^ omg yesh the chocolate *Q*
SlettAww i love your outfit! Sounds like you had a fun trip ^___^
thanks! I really did!
SlettOh my gosh. I need the chocolate. All of it!!!
SvarSlettAnd I love how bright you look in that last picture <3
thank you ^^
Slettthe chocolate yes ;v; wanted all of them XDD
Sounds fun! And really, Irodhieru does make some awesome headbands. Like, how could you refuse them?? >.<
SvarSlettYes indeed! She is so talented *v*
SlettI want to do this trip now! ;w; You look super cute! *o*
SvarSlettthank youuu ^^ you should totally go if you have the chance!
SlettYou are way adorable!
SvarSlettawww :) thank you! you are way cuter though <3
SlettOh it's so great that people are recognizing Irodohieru. I hope you really enjoy your trip; it's great to read about it.
Yeah! It made me so happy that her work got recognized ;v; And thank you! I am glad you enjoy it <3
SlettAw you're outfit is so cute and i love your headband <3
SvarSlettThank you ^^You can´t really tell how it looks sadly >.< But that is the only picture I got :-/
SlettARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW DID THAT ACTUALLY HAPPEN? ;;-;; Er mah gerd I can't even. That is the cutest thing ever, just, what, haha! ♥ Oh this made my night... Help. What do I even do now XD
SvarSlettEhrm anyway, I'm glad you seem to have had such a wonderful trip! I'm happy for you! And I will dream about that chocolate~ and the headband looks completely perfect and adorable on you as well! -hugs-
YES IT HAPPEND REALLY!!!! :DDDD I know right! I couldn´t believe my ears when I heard it either ;v; it was so great!
Slettawww, you are so nice <3 I am happy you enjoy reading about it <3 ^^