I woke up several times that morning, starting from very early to later on.
Luckily, I was able to sleep in a little bit, as I didn´t have to work before the meetup!
You see, I had come to understand that the lolita meeting was to take place at 1 pm, and since the café opened at 10, and I would need to set off atleast 2 hours to get ready for it, it would be kind of wasted to work up a sweat before I jumped into my expensive lolita clothes >.<"
Luckily, I was able to sleep in a little bit, as I didn´t have to work before the meetup!
You see, I had come to understand that the lolita meeting was to take place at 1 pm, and since the café opened at 10, and I would need to set off atleast 2 hours to get ready for it, it would be kind of wasted to work up a sweat before I jumped into my expensive lolita clothes >.<"
So yeah, there I was, strolling around... I decided to look around some shops at the convention, to make time go a bit faster, as I waited. I suddenly stumbled upon a shop that sold nothing but cute things, and imediately had to take a look! To my surprise, they had a corner where they sold genuine lolita brand items as well! Offcourse the prices where kinda bankrobbing, but I couldn´t help but fall in love with this adorable little wine-red bag from Metamorphose... It had a round shape, with a bow in front with two lovely pearly chains dangling from it, and the logo delicately embroidered underneath it...To put it like this, I went back and looked at it around 5 times, sighing even more every single time, until I finally decided I just had to have it, and went for it... my wallet hurt, but it was my one BIG splurge of my holiday, and the money was meant for lolita anyway, so it was fine ^^
I must admit that the "kawaii shop" was probably where I got most of the things I bought at the convention XD They had so many cute little things *v*
I must admit that the "kawaii shop" was probably where I got most of the things I bought at the convention XD They had so many cute little things *v*
Moving on to other topics.... We had shared our phone numbers with Melva and Elsa, for them to call us up with meeting spot and such, when the time was drawing nearer, but right when I thought it might be about time we heard from them, and we messaged Melva,
we found out that there had been a big mistake in the time-schedule! >.<
we found out that there had been a big mistake in the time-schedule! >.<
The meeting wasn´t going to start until 6 pm! Just when we were about to close down the café!
I felt terrible offcourse, having said I wasn´t going to work this day, because of the meeting, and ACCTUALLY having the time after all, I mean, I could atleast have worked until 4 pm...
Well, done was done, and Emilia and Sakura luckily wasn´t mad at me for it, even though I felt they would have every reason to blame me >.<
So yeah... there I was, with nothing to do and many hours to spend doing it. Emilia was kind enough to message one of her friends, called Cosma-Shanti (Princesstrashcan) because she knew for a fact that she was on the convention as a guest! So she arranged for me to hang out with her and her friend while I waited ^^ I felt a bit embarrased, since we weren´t aquainted from before, but we soon got talking and decided to look around the place for people they knew and look at more shops and such. It was such a different experience than what I´d had in the café, always running around!
The day felt really slow-passed...
The day felt really slow-passed...
Finally, it ticked past 4 pm, and I left my new-found friends to go get changed!
I had decided on dearing it, wearing my pink memorial cake jsk, my ultimate dream dress nr. 1, as this was such a special occation... my very first lolita meetup ever! *v*
I spendt ages getting ready, it seemed... as I didn´t want to work up a sweat in the high temperature...
Fixed my dress and shoes and blouse, did my hair and makeup and finally put on all the accessories, (loads of new ones that I had just bought at the kawaii shop ;v;)before I was ready to go! ^^
Fixed my dress and shoes and blouse, did my hair and makeup and finally put on all the accessories, (loads of new ones that I had just bought at the kawaii shop ;v;)before I was ready to go! ^^
I felt like I was glowing as I walked through the halls towards the café, to show off my look to the others before I left for the meetup *////v///* hihi
I was surprised to say the least, by acctually being stopped a couple of times on my way, for people that recognized me and took my picture! I was a bit embarrased also, because I felt for certain that I did dissapoint them with my "real life" encounter >_>" ehehe... (sorry for being such a derp IRL!!!)
The meeting place was in front of the main entrance, and nervous as I was, I got there a whole quarter of an hour ahead of time! Luckily, I met another really cute lolita who I soon greeted, before we went silent again and waited for the others. And they came, one after one, or in small groups all up until it was ten past 6, and we had quite settled that everyone that had intended to come, had indeed showed up. We then had to get our photos taken by a whole group of people, because we were such a big crowd of lolitas, and everyone seemed to want a group shot. Then we finally could proceed outside, walking along until we came to a small rounded place lined with cobblestone,
and small staircases all around it.
and small staircases all around it.
Here we took some group pictures for ourself!
Look at our big group ^0^:
Me on the far left, in the middle row! ^^
Borrowed picture from our host, Jen!( MintXmint)
since it was the only group photo I knew of! Original post (HERE)
since it was the only group photo I knew of! Original post (HERE)
And after that we sat down and listened to our group-meetup host, who proudly told us that this was indeed the biggest gathering of lolitas in Sweden for quite some years! We were over 30 people! ^^
The first thing we did was to sit down in a sircle and let everyone introducing themselfes!
I was so super nervous and excited, it felt very surreal being surrounded by so many that enjoyed the same style as myself, I was almost a bit jealous for some reason XD
haha, don´t ask me why, ´cause I don´t know!
Here is where I am going to start posting loads of pictures. You see, I was so super duper lucky as to get Simon (Bakasoseji) to tag along on the lolita meet to take some pictures! He is super talented in photographing, so I asked if he could take some for me, and he was really kind and said yes! ;v; He even said I could use them on my blog! But offcourse, all credit goes to him! ^^ I might mention that some of these pictures are taken by me though, with my stupid phone xP hehe
Please enjoy the sillyness!
We were doing the "whispering game" ^^ as you can tell, I was just being silly,
flashing my petticoat XD Could not keep serious from the happiness XD
Somehow, mid-game, people just started chatting, and soon everyone started gathering up in little groups, taking pictures of eachother! ^^ ahaha, and what lolita doesn´t love pictures?
Oh, so many pictures >.<
I was overjoyed over being able to spend time with one of my lolita idols again ;V;
Melva (Yannmmm) is so amazing!
Just look at how perfect she is ;v; I felt really inferior!
I absolutely loved that she had put a pink choker around her black
Angelic Pretty hat! ^0^ great inspiration!
And here is Melva with another new friend, Vivi (Viviekat)! ^^
... wich brings me over to this picture of me and Vivi >v<
I somehow really like it! ^v^ I usually feel like I look super ugly when I smile with my teeth, but this is a fun and nice picture ;v; hehe <333
Amanda was also able to came to the meeting offcourse, as the maid café closed at 6 pm, but she didn´t have time to change, so she just came in her maid clothes ^^ She was a bit worried it wasn´t proper enough, but I assured her she was super cute :3
Here she is with my new friend Cosma-Shanti! ^^(picture by my phone)
cutiiiies >0< <333
And offcourse we took individual shots also!
Me and Cosma-Shanti <3
(we are the same height I believe x3 )
Amanda and me! (picture by my phone)
she is tiiiny ;v; *huggu*
Since I am at it, I wanted to add an outfit shot also! ^^
Really happy with this picture ;V; I rearly get such great outfit pictures to post here!
Really happy with this picture ;V; I rearly get such great outfit pictures to post here!
Memorial Garden meet
Jsk: Angelic Pretty
Blouse: Vintage thrift shop
Tights: H&M kids section
Socks: H&M kids section
Shoes: Baby, the star shines bright
Wig: Mbok
Accesories: 6%DokiDoki, chocomint, Glitter,
Pinkly Ever After, Angelic Pretty, The Kawaii shop,
homemade, vintage, gift
Pinkly Ever After, Angelic Pretty, The Kawaii shop,
homemade, vintage, gift
Oh! I also got a wonderful picture with the sweet and lovely Elsa (Sweetsugarlolita) also! ^^
She is wearing one of my dream-prints ;v; <333
And, offcourse I had to add a picture with the wonderful photographer himself ;-3
"Neko-chan, you have some kira-kira in your hair! ^0^"
After spamming eachother for what certainly had to be a couple of hours,
we figured we were quite tired after all, both me, Simon and Amanda, so we decided to just silently draw back and help the others clean up in the maid café, since they were packing it down!
Emilia had changed into her super adorable, homemade Creamy Mami cosplay, and she looked so amazing I tell you! ^^
crappy phone picture is crappy, but yeah ;V; you get the idea >0< <3
We were all quite hungry, so we did something I never thought I would ever do XD haha
We acctually went to McDonalds, me still wearing lolita! So yeah, I´ve acctually eaten there in lolita... gosh ; u; huhuhu
After we came back, we got changed and we were going to go watch the final consert on the big stage... but stuff happend and we figured we werent in the mood to do so, so I, Emilia and Simon spendt some hours looking at the new games they had put out demos for in the entrance hall (for PS3) and after that we found the game room, where we played some really cool anime fighting style games for a while, to calm down and just have a good time together :)
I loved that moment with them, it felt so nice, and I wish we had
had time to play a lot more together like that <3
had time to play a lot more together like that <3
I was quite beat after all this, and it was really late, so I decided to go to bed...
Emilia hesitated a bit, since it was the last night, but she figured it was time to go to bed also, since she didn´t really feel like going to the rave for dancing all night...
(very understandable after the day we had just had! )
(very understandable after the day we had just had! )
So the last night at the convention came to an end, and once more we snuggled into our newly pumped air-madrass again (seriously, we pumped that shit every night and
woke up on the flat floor every morning >.<)
woke up on the flat floor every morning >.<)
The coming day, we were gonna pack down everything, and head home again! It was sad, but I was quite excited for starting my week with Emilia also ;v;
Thanks for reading this far <3
Hold on until the next update!
Hold on until the next update!
Until then!

I get so happy reading this because you sound so happy & seeing all the pictures are lovely since all of you lolitas are so amazing! I feel inspired to maybe get some lolita things too... maybe some day... ^-^ ps. melva is seriously an amazing lolita o_o love the outfit she wore to the meet-up! + simon is so handsome >_<
SvarSlettthank you ;V; it was one of the happiest days I´ve had ;v; <3
SlettYeah, Melva is amazing ;v; I love her style! she is so talented in lolita >.<
And yeah, Simon is really handsome and super kind ^^ I am so happy I got to spend so much time with everyone and get so many new friends ;V;
OMG I love to read your adventures when travelling!!! <3 You have met lots of my internet idols >.< You're so lucky! It seemed like you had a great time at Närcon... And your Lolita outfit... It is soooo sweeet <333
SvarSlettThank yooou ;v; I feel super duper lucky for meeting so many amazing people also! And everyone was so friendly and lovely towards me ; A; <333 I had such a great time!
SlettThe swedish lolita comm is so stylish! :D And you look adorable!
SvarSlettYou're norwegian right? I'm actually curious about what language you speak to the swedes. :D I once met a norwegian lolita and I could speak swedish to her(I'm a swedish-speaking finn, so my accent is quite different from the swedish accent in Sweden) and she spoke norwegian to me and we perfectly understood each other! On the other hand, I have a norwegian relative and it's very hard for me to understand him sometimes. XD
Yes I am norwegian ^^ I spoke norwegian mostly, but when they didn´t understand me, I sometimes switched over to english, because my dialect sometimes made it hard for people to understand me ^^" ehehe
SlettSo cool that you have norwegian relatives though! :D yay!
I just wanted to tell you that after I had taken a picture of you, I was so happy that I could have danced around and screamed out of happiness, because you were the cutest person I've ever met an your coord was so amazing and aaaaaahhhh~ 。゚(。ノω\。)゚。
SvarSlettAnd the lolita meetup seemed to be loads of fun! And I'm just curious, but is there a lot of lolitas in Norway? Because you said this was your first lolita-meetup, and is it because you haven't been able to go to other meetups in Norway or because there just isn't a lot of lolitas in Norway so there's no meetups? Sorry if it seems rude, but I'm just curious! ヽ(TωT;;)ノ
omg *///////// V////* iiihihiihiihihihi..... I feel so bashfull now omg >v< hehe
SlettThank you! ^0^
It was so much fun really! ^^ Yeah, well... you see, its acctually both of the reasons ^^" ehehe... Beacause I live up in northern Norway, I am quite alone as a lolita in my area, and most of the lolitas in Norway live further down south, so its both that there are none, and its that its close to impossible for me to meet up with them >.< I believe we are quite few lolitas in Norway also... I don´t know for certain how many, but I don´t know of very many...
Soo cuteee sweetie<3 I look tired >n<
SvarSlettI miss you ; n ; <3
you don´t look tired ; v; you look like a darling cutiepie! <333
SlettI miss you too!!! >0<
Such a big meetup! Everyone looks amazing. And so do you. :3
SvarSlettthank yooou ;v; It was a lot of fun!
Sletti don't know if you remember me, but i was the girl wearing eternal rose bouquet! i'm really happy i had the courage to talk to you, you're even sweeter in reality! ;v; i hope to see you again if you plan on visiting närcon again, and i hope i'm not gonna be as awkward haha.
SvarSlettaww, yeah! ^^ thank yooou <3 I felt really shy, so I am sorry I was being silly and weird there >.<
SlettThank you for the sweet words! I hope I have the opportunity to go again! :3
awww, ok! ^^ haha, we look almost the same height though :3
SvarSlettYou weren´t awkward! I thought you were super cute and nice/kind ^^
awww lucky you! meeting all these awesome people :D And you look fantastic as always :D
SvarSlettAww ;v; thank you! I feel super lucky, yes! It was really surreal meeting them all ;v; they were so fabulous and I felt so inferior compared to their flawless styles ; A;
SlettYou are most kind ;v; thank you!