I am sorry for not writing >.< Sorry again, for that is something I have said I won´t write,
but it continues to happen XD haha
but it continues to happen XD haha
My life isn´t all easy peasy right now, sadly...
However, I wanted to write a little bit today because I just got my first rhapsody wig! I chose the colour pink, because it was such a light and fluffy colour, it reminded me of cotton candy!
I decided to do a little outfit to celebrate it!
+ Pink tartan +
Onepiece: DreamV
Cutsew: Angelic Pretty
Tights: H&M
Socks: H&M Kids section
Shoes: An*tai*na
Acceossories: H&M Kids section, homemade, gift,
Cute Can Kill, Glitter, Hello Kitty
"huhuhu, I like this hairstyle = v="
Other than the wig, I was also able to snatch ut my dream bag of many years now ;V;
It is the famous heart shaped bag from MILK! ^^ And I got it in GOLD *V*
It is a really rare colour, and I´ve always wanted it since I first saw it ;A;
And now I´ve got it ;V; *cries* happy happy happy! >v<
Also! A girl in my class recently gave me an adorable little vinyl figurine of Finn from
Adventure Time! ^^ it was for no reason also, so I was totally caught by surpise ;A;
Adventure Time! ^^ it was for no reason also, so I was totally caught by surpise ;A;
It was sooo super duper cute and it looked so lonely all by itself,
so I kinda had to get a Jake figurine to keep it company ;V;
Aren´t these guys adorable ?*U* <3
They are standing on my desk lamp as little mascots to cheer me up ^^ hehe
Now, that was all I had to say this time!
My life is kinda difficult due to my disease, so I really don´t know whats happening onwards
from here... All I can do really, is wait and see...
from here... All I can do really, is wait and see...
What kind is the newest wig you you have got?
Thanks for reading and please comment below!

Waaah this outfit is so cute and lovely! And you are pretty and the other items are cute as well! >w<
SvarSlettthank you very much! ^^ I am glad you like it :3
SlettI also own this wig but haven't worn it in so long, this post actually reminded me that it's collecting dust at home ; n ; I adore the outfit you paired with it!
SvarSlettMy newest wig is a natural brown, eventually i'll dye my hair the same colour i think ^^
♥ Little Owl Diary
oooh, perhaps you should make an outfit for it though so you get to use it! ^^ hehe
SlettOh I so want a brown wig ;V; I have a dark brown wig, but I want a light brown one (more gyaru colour kinda XD hehe)
Ur so pretyyyy <3 forever jelly ; U ;
SvarSlettthank you ;A; Don´t be jelly though! >.<
SlettI have this wig too and I love it, I wear it almost everyday for school, tho it starts to get boring if I look the same all day ww///; . Rhapsody wigs are all so fluffy and nice! <3
SvarSlettI wanna start wearing it to school, since my pastel hair is so faded ;v; hehe
SlettAhh I wish I could dye my hair, but because of my reddish hair, nothing stays for very long. _(:3_
SlettSo I just wear every kind of wigs for school and it's really much fun, all my classmates want to touch the hair hehe/// /)v(\ I love wigs, they make me more confident. (.u.)////
Oh, that wig does actaully look like cotton candy *^* It fits you really well.
SvarSlettI letely got a super nice honey-blonde color, but I still haven't use it, except for trying it on D:
thank you! ^^ I think it looks rather nice on me also! :)
SlettYour wig sounds really nice!
Your outfit is so cute! The wig suits you really well~ ♥
SvarSlettMy newest wig is a similar wig, but it's in a darker and more peach-coloured pink ^^
oh thanks :3
Slettoh really? I bet it looks super cute!
Oh that wig looks so good on you and you are adorable!! And the bag!! <3<3
SvarSlettMy newest wig is brown with curls :3
Hugs <3
thank youuu ;V; yes I know, the bag ;A; <333
Slettyour wig sounds cute !
OMG o_O du er så nydelig! jealous :3 ønsker meg virkelig en slik parykk jeg også<3
SvarSlettaw, takk ;V; hehe, du er for søt og snill <3
SlettI which store did you buy the An tai na shoes?? *^*
SvarSlettI bought the shoes from the an*tai*na shop at taobao! ^^
SlettThe last wig I bought is blonde with puffy pigtails! It's a lot of fun to wear (but also lots of fun to take off because it's so heavy) that was several months ago though. I want to buy a long wavy blonde wig next!
SvarSlettooh that sounds lovely! ^^ I really wanna get a blonde twin-tails lolita wig sometime! *V* yep yep!
SlettI also want a long one, perhaps a rhapsody wig in the blonde colourway? ;-3
SvarSlettthanks!!! >u<
SlettThat wig looks amaaaaaaaaaazing on you!
SvarSlettthank you ;A; really??? that is so incredibly kind of you to say! I love it so much ;V; <3
Slettwhere did you get your bag!!!! been looking high and low for a heart shape bag from milk!!