The title kind of says it all...
To make it simple to understand
- I am a senior this year
- It is spring = exam time
- I don´t have the time + energy to update my blog
- This is my announcement for a small hiatus
- Please don´t hate me for it
Meanwhile, enjoy this wonderful and cute music!

Good luck on your exams! I'm a high school freshman but I'll be taking my GCSE's next year ^^
SvarSlettI hope you come back soon :)
thank you! ^^ good luck with school you also! <3 ^^
SlettGood luck with all the exams! :D Ganbare! :D
SvarSlettsame to you!
SlettGood luck with everything then! (. w .)/
SvarSlettYou should do a wardrobe post one day
thank you! ^0^ I hope I can do that one day maybe ;V; hihi
Slettemotional freedom technique eft by mercola on youtube i think can help you
SvarSlettaw ok? ; V; eheh