The second day of the event was even more fun than the first day in my opinion!
I was so excited to be able to attend a real teaparty, that I could hardly sleep that night! >v<
The theme would be chocolate, and the party wouldn´t start until 1:30 pm, so we had plenty of time in the morning to get ready. But I felt so nervous even then!
I didn´t have much accessories to go with my outfit,
but I thought I came up with something ok in the end ^^
I didn´t have much accessories to go with my outfit,
but I thought I came up with something ok in the end ^^
What do you think?
I was so lucky as to borrow the entire outfit of Chess Chocolate in brown, with a matching bonnet, from my friend Melva, so I even could match the theme! ;V; yay
It was my first time putting on a bonnet for an actual outfit though, so it was quite new to me!
Ultimately, I actually quite liked it, even though it was a new experience, and I was a bit unsure beforehand.
Presenting the one and only selfie I got ^^"
Here you can see the new and beautiful ring I got the day before! 
We hurried along, because even after getting ready and stuff we acctually made it just in time for the teaparty to start! >.< We had to take a train once again to get down into Stockholm sentrum, and from there make our way to the same building as before. We were lead to a super cute little room at the end of an aula, where the decorations and furniture looked like antiquities, and the classical music that was playing sounded really beautiful <3
at first we just rushed in, got a pair of pretty decorated pins with numbers on them (for the theme contest and popular choice contest, we later found out) and was seated just in time for it to start. I sat at a table together with Emilia, Amanda, Jennifer and three cute chinese girls! ^^
I think it took me about 10 minutes to realize my actual situation:
and then I got teary-eyed and cried a little bit. This was like a dream come true! I had never experienced a real brand teaparty before and it has always been a dream of mine.
The whole feeling of the setting was so grand and wonderful!
I was in a room with almost 30 other beautifully dressed lolitas who had done their utmost to look spectacular, and the whole feeling was so princessy and fairytale-like I could almost not bear it >.<
There was tea and high-tea assortments and everyone got a tiny gift bag with things like stickers and other cute stationary. At first we just stayed by our own tables, but after a while we mingled and made sure to look at eachothers outfits, to be able to vote for a favourite in the end!
We also took plenty of pictures, and I was sooo amazed by everyones creativity, having handmade so many of their own accessories!
We also took plenty of pictures, and I was sooo amazed by everyones creativity, having handmade so many of their own accessories!
Typical picture of me... *mindblown* xD
haha... everything was so pretty ;V;
haha... everything was so pretty ;V;
(also, please look at the amazing, handmade headdress of Jennifer next to me O_O)
Charlotta made that book accessorie by herself!!!
I was so lucky as to get my hands on loads of pictures from the teaparty!
Most of these are taken by either Agnes or Katarina <3
Most of these are taken by either Agnes or Katarina <3
I tell you, this trip was, if anything, an extremely inspirational trip, it almost felt therapautical in the end and I was overjoyed by the full experience and more or less mindblown all the time.
Then it was time for the contest!
Two lovely girls from the group got picked by lottery, and one got the first price from popular choice!
They also gave out the main price for the chocolate theme, and it went to the lovely finnish girl
Charlotta, for her amazing chocolate themed outfit! ^0^ So well deserved! She looked stunning! But really, they all did, so I don´t think I would be able to pick a winner >v< hehe
She was sooo lucky winning that jsk! *___*
After this, we went out to take a group picture and some individual shots, and smaller groups shots!
I got to take some with my darling Melva <3 ^^
(We are gonna elope together ;;;-3 )
I love this one xD <3
Sadly, only picture I got with my new finnish friends ; ^ ; <3
Katarina looked so amazing in little bears café! She made her staff herself,
and Laura (in the middle) made the trumpet accessorie!
Katarina looked so amazing in little bears café! She made her staff herself,
and Laura (in the middle) made the trumpet accessorie!
Chess chocolate goodness * V *
I also just have to post this picture of Amanda and Emilia!
Emilia hand-made that staff herself! *_* And the amazing cocoa-cup and the "eat-me" brooch!
I was sooo impressed with her! And she was only one of the ones that did stuff like that!
Thanks to Katarina, I got an outfit shot ;V;
Look at the pretty nails Emilia did <3 And my beautiful ring 
After this, we were all a bit tired, so we went downstairs to the booths that we had visited the day before, to look at some more of the Angelic Pretty items being sold (since they had started selling some allready the day before). I had already got two super cute hairbows, and a beautiful ring the day before, but this day I decided on another ring and a couple of postcards ^^
I also got another plushie, even though I had decided stricktly to not get more than one haha
In the end we also visited the cute nail-artist girls from Japan, who had done our nails the day before! I wanted to get a nail-art pencil from them, because they had some wonderful stuff they sold ^^
I also got to show of the beautiful nails Emilia had done for me the day before!
They were sooo cute and even took pictures and stuff! I think they were quite impressed by her skills, and I tell you I felt so princessy with these nails and I felt so lucky she could do them for me!
She is amazing really <3
She is amazing really <3
We were really tired again that evening, so we decided to go home and meet up with Melva shortly the next day just so we could talk and be together a bit before I had to go home and Melva had to catch her train.
That evening again, Emilia and I just talked and watched more movies together. I had a lot of time the next day to pack my bags, since I wasn´t leaving for home until around 4 pm, and I only had a small rucksack with me that contained all my stuff for the weekend.
The next day was really nice. We met up with Melva at a small café and had some tea while just chatting ^^ Me and Emilia even had time to look around a couple of shops before I had to leave. It was funny though, since I had to take my new plushies as handluggage on the airplane, I basically carried around a plastic bag with plushies. Needless to say, it felt a bit awkward when I checked into security-control in the airport ahaha xD
It was sad saying goodbye to Emilia again. It had been such an amazing weekend, and I will never forget this event. I feel like this time we had even more fun than the last time we met! It is so nice being with her, she is an amazing friend <3
When I finally got home I felt kinda sick for like 3 days afterwards because of the pure exhaustion of all the things having happend throughout the weekend >.< there was just so much going on at all times! And I was kinda mindblown and adrenaline-kicked by the experience, so I didn´t realize how tired I was until afterwards! Went on with my life but was quite tired ^^"
I will treasure this in my heart always <3
I hope I will get to experience more things like this!
It is such a long time since I´ve felt so happy <3
Thank you for reading!
I hope you enjoyed my blog update

you are all so cute ♥
SvarSletti wish i could have some lolita friends and go to a meeting too ;w;
I had to travel all the way to sweden to meet everyone ;V; I don´t have so many near me to meet up with either!
SlettAww it looks so cozy :D and I love love love your dress <3 one of my dream prints ^_^
SvarSlett❤ Sann
aww thank you ^^ I am glad you enjoyed it! <3 Chess chocolate is really gorgeous in real life!
SlettAw everyone looks so pretty and perfect! *^*
SvarSlett❤ Little Owl's Diary
I was really overwhelmed by everyone being so pretty ;v; all the lolitaaaa <3
SlettAhhhhh so many chocolate prints <3
SvarSlettYour outfit looks fantastic ^_^
thank you! ^0^
SlettYour make up is always so cute and well done! Loved your outfit! All of the outfits actually~! (*^▽^*)
SvarSlettThank you ;V; that is so kind of you!