Another year has passed and I have finished my exams (but one) and when summer comes, so does free-time! whohoo, right? hehe, well, personally I am one of those freaky people that get depressed very easily in the summer time, because of "too much free time", as I need routines in my life to function. having summer coming along, you´ll just have to create summer-routines!
Well, one good thing about being free, is that you get time to do some of the things you like.
One of the things I like, is watching movies.
I have this list of movies that I keep adding to, there is just so many interesting-looking ones out there! At the moment, I have a crush on 80´s teenage cult-movies, particularily about high school and such. It´s fun spotting all those famous stars "entering the scene" in their first roles, and you´d be amazed at how different some of them look today! High-school movies in general tend to be entertaining. You have the really good ones that makes you think a lot, and then there´s the brainless ones that makes you roll your eyes to mars and back, and ofcourse, there is the general bad ones, that are so bad that they are good, yeah...
So I thought, since I could probably write 110 movie-reviews, I´d do a quick little round-up of what high-school themed movies I think you ough to watch! ^^ Now that summer is coming up, and if you are a total loner (like me *cough cough*), why not watch a movie featuring how high school could have been? Or perhaps to sympathise, or see yourself in the characters? Anyway, high-school movies are cool. I hope my little list will inspire you to go look for some other high-school movies yourself, because it´s definitely worth a search, there is sooo many more than you´d believe!
1. The Breakfast Club (1985)
This is a classical first choice for getting into watching high-school movies, I know, but it´s still a really good movie. I didn´t watch this myself the first time until my second year of high-school, and I absolutely loved it! Directed by the amazing John Hughes, this 80´s masterpiece features 5 teenagers from different backgrounds, with different goals and prospects in life that are all tossed together in detention one morning, for various reasons, where they are asked to write a paper. Instead of doing as they are told, they start talking with eachother and we get a look into what kind of teenage-angst takes place in a young persons life. This movie has cult status, and it´s not without reason. The main characters all have distinct personalities and traits that will make you like them for different reasons as you watch the movie, and I think it´s a movie many can relate to for various reasons. So, if you are just getting into high-school movies, or have allready watched a bunch, make sure not to miss this one! Must see!
2. 10 things I hate about you (1999)
This movie features a young Heath Ledger (do you need any other reasons to watch this?) getting paid to take out "the meanest girl in school" because the guy who paid him to do so, wants to date her sister, and she can´t go out on a date unless her sister does. Allready sounding complicated right? Well, this movie has all what you´d want from a high-school movie and more! cool teachers, stupid parties and awsome main-characters. A no-brainer but still a good evening awaiting you if you choose this movie. It has long been one of my sisters favourites, so she was the one that got me to watch it in the first place. This was probably one of those movies I grew up watching, so it´s been "with me" for a long time. And hey, now that the 90´s are so "in" I bet you´d get a kick of taking a peek for that reason also. Personally can´t get enough of 90´s fashion, endless tackyness equals cool, right? Well, you´ll have a laugh, and it´ll leave you with a smile, guaranteed!
3. Heathers (1988)
When I first watched Heathers, I did so in anticipation that this would be a movie looking something like "mean girls". Well, the beginning didn´t really surprise me that much, as you enter a high-school in the mid 80´s, where three girls, all named Heather, are the "most popular girls in school", making life misserable for the nerds and haging out with the jocks. Nothing new there. However, our main character (young Winona Ryder) who is a "Heather apprentice", soon befriends a mysterious but cool outcast-guy that she´s in love with, and together they plan a revenge on "Heather nr.1". Things doesn´t exactly go as planned, and well, I don´t want to spoil anything, but let´s just say that this movie was trying to create a satirical and humouristic look upon murder and suicide. I was quite shocked when I watched it, because I didn´t at first get the humour part, and I just thought they portrayed it in a light manner for some sick, twisted reason. However, yet another cult-classic, definitely worth a watch. This movie has great aestethics and the by far the biggest shoulder- pillows you´ll see in any
4. Ferris Bueller´s day off (1986)
Another masterpiece by John Huges, featuring the ultimate "day off from school" with young Mathew Broderick. Ferris is a high-schooler that is liked by many, a cool guy that knows what he wants in life and knows how to get it. In this movie he basically tells you how to get away with truancy with style. This movie sure shows you how to make the most of a day! From "stealing" his best friends dads car, going to an art-museum, dining at a fancy resturant and somehow ending up the main-attraction on a parade-float! His principal, sensing there is something wrong, is dead set on busting him not being "sick" is after him, making this not only a race against the clock on beating his parents getting back home, but also consequences in school! What can I say, it was a pure joy watching this movie, and I don´t know WHY I haven´t done it before! Definitely an all time high-school classic that everyone should see, atleast once! It has this very typical american humour movie feel to it, making it seem more modern than it´s release date tells us it is.
5. Pretty in Pink (1986)
Ah, I guess you are by now seeing a pattern. Another John Hughes movie, and another classic featuring one of my favourite female actors from the 80´s, Molly Ringwald <3 Anyway, this movie shows a social "outcast", who´s side-job is working in a cool little record shop, suddenly becoming the love-interest of one of the "cool-guys" in school. The main character has awsome clothing-style, she makes most of her clothes on her own, or alter trifted things, so it´s great inspiration! Also, the aesthetics of this movie is gold! It also features that classical twist with the childhood friend being into the main character, but at the time this movie was made, that was perhaps not as cliche as it is now... If you want to see a movie that will leave you inspired, feeling feminine-empowerment and just plain happy, please watch this one. I hope atleast one of you will come to enjoy Molly Ringwalds acting skills as much as I do, after seeing this pearl of a movie!
Well! That ends the selection of high-school movies I would reccomend to all of you today, even though there is SO MANY more that I could have wrote about, I decided to settle with these for now. perhaps I´ll do another high-school movie reccomendation-post later, if this one is well recieved? ;-)
Anyway, thank you for reading, and I hope to hear back from you in the comment section below, if you ended up watching one of these movies. Let me know what you think!

Yayyy Josephine you're back ^.^ I love the new layout!
SvarSlettI like old highschool movies~ Ferris Bueller's Day Off is awesome~ The movie Heather's sounds interesting! I'll have to check it out ^.^
Hehe I just spend most of my summer watching anime most of the time cause I have no social life :'D
Ah I am glad you like the new layout! I found out I had to change it up a bit :-p thinking about doing even more changes! Please comment if you check out the movie! ^^ it´s good, reccomended!
SlettI only know no. 1 and 2, the rest sounds really interesting as well! *o*
SvarSlettyay! ^0^ you should totally check them out ;-D!
Slettyou've literally listed all of my favorite movies! TBC is probably my favorite teen movie of all time. next to ferris and clueless. have you seen clueless? :3
Haha, thats awsome! Oh yeah Clueless is amazing! :D I love it <3 I just thought that and Mean girls would be too steriotypical to add to the list hehe ^^"