Would you believe that I am acctually alive still!
omg wow! awoken from the mountain of homework I was buried under haha (" = v= )
anywhooo... if you wondered what happend to me, since I was so persistent
and litterary thought I would have more time to write blog updates and stuff,
and litterary thought I would have more time to write blog updates and stuff,
1. first day of school our teachers informed us that we had chosen the language course
with the most expected work-hours
2. I usually work twice that amount and am really busy all the time
3. my telephone has been dying 30 + times a day, (AND I JUST GOT A NEW ONE WEEK AGO TODAY OMG AHAHA * V* *totally not manic laughter oh no, cause I´ve not like... wanted a new phone for over a year now = v= ehehe...)
with the most expected work-hours
2. I usually work twice that amount and am really busy all the time
3. my telephone has been dying 30 + times a day, (AND I JUST GOT A NEW ONE WEEK AGO TODAY OMG AHAHA * V* *totally not manic laughter oh no, cause I´ve not like... wanted a new phone for over a year now = v= ehehe...)
4. being chronically ill...
Still! when my friend, Melva, contacted me about this amazing event happening in Sweden this late autumn, I just HAD to attend! SUPPORTING ALL THE LOLIS, ALL THE WAY >0<!
Basically, if you don´t know what happend, is was this:
The last weekend in November there was a japanese convention-like mini-event in Stockholm
called "MIYABI Japan story" and they had arranged for a really special something to happen,
namely the first actual fashion-show and teaparty hosted by Angelic Pretty in Scandinavia!
The last weekend in November there was a japanese convention-like mini-event in Stockholm
called "MIYABI Japan story" and they had arranged for a really special something to happen,
namely the first actual fashion-show and teaparty hosted by Angelic Pretty in Scandinavia!
This is MAJOR I tell you!
Ofcourse I was really stunned upon hearing, and immediately felt sooo sad because I was worried about how I could ever attend something like that, as it was during my school-time, I didn´t have much money, and I had not even had any space in my suitcase to bring any lolita clothing with me when I moved to Oslo! I discussed it back and forth with Melva, and after a while we came to the conclusion that I could borrow an intere outfit from her ;A; which is like... WHAT!?? She did so much for me, I still feel so indebted to her because of that ;_;
Also, coincidence nr. 2 was that I acctually didn´t have classes before or directly after the event, AND I was able to spend the weekend at Emilias place, so I didn´t have to pay for a hotel! ;V; I just... I am still so greatful and happy, and I feel so lucky for having such amazing friends ;V; <3
They are the best
They are the best
Third instance that kicked me into going, was that I applied for being a model in the show, and I was able to get a spot for it! I had to purchase a pair of genuine Angelic Pretty shoes though, since it was required for the show, so I bought a pair of brown teaparties, since I figured it would probably be suited for their winter-collection! <3
Being a model got me two free passes to get into the event itself for both of the days it lasted also, so I only needed to purchase the teaparty ticket! ^v^ yay for saving money ;V; hehe
Being a model got me two free passes to get into the event itself for both of the days it lasted also, so I only needed to purchase the teaparty ticket! ^v^ yay for saving money ;V; hehe
Sorry for wall of text >v<
Here goes!
On the first day (I arrived on the friday before the event) I just arrived in Stockholm, and Emilia came and got me on the airport. We then went home to her place and just talked for hours, and I got to meet her super cute little cat ;V; There was nothing going on on day one, so it was ok that I was a bit tired after just having taken my history-exam the day before coming there ( = V=")
The real stuff happend on the next day!
So, saturday arriving, we did our makeup and got on some cute and simple outfits before we headed out. We had to get there already done with makeup, and we would be provided with clothing and nail-art. I was so excited, my heart was pounding as we approached the building it was held in (it was such a grand building also, it looked real fancy ;v; hihi) And coming inside there was so much to look at and I was just so happy to be there >v<
There was a small rehearsal in the walking-arrangement before we went on, and we had some time before getting changed into our clothing, so Emilia, Amanda and I and some other friends of Emilias that I met for the first time went around the event and looked at the booths that sold cute plushies and merchandise!
This was the cutest booth <3
(I am sorry if some of these pictures have really bad quality, they are taken before I got my new phone >.<)
I can not express how badly I wanted to dive into that pile...
I wanted to buy a Korilakkuma plushie, but in the end I thought it was a bit too expensive ^^"
After that we decided to come back to buy some things later, and then we went to get our nails done!
A really cute couple of japanese women were having a nail-art booth! I was happy, because I got to practice my japanese with them a little bit ^^
A really cute couple of japanese women were having a nail-art booth! I was happy, because I got to practice my japanese with them a little bit ^^
We looked around some more afterwards before it was time to get changed!
(All pictures from here on is taken by the lovely Agnes ^^ All credit goes to her!)
Basically this was the caos that was our changing room!
Imagine being met by this sight *v* *sigh*
The funny thing is that it was not a very big changing room, but with all the lolitas getting their petticoats on, fixing lace, helping eachother tie bows and fix wigs, it became the smallest room ever probably haha ^^
I don´t have any pictures from the actual show, sadly, but I´ll describe it for you as best as I can!
Basically, I was a bit dissapointed in my outfit >.> I had to wear a dress that was faaaar to big and long, they even pinned it in and it still looked weird on me, so it was not a very good outfit at all ^^" hehe... I guess thats what you get when they make last minute changes and you are unable to attend meetings for trying the dresses on... Everyone else looked sooo amazing though! I was mindblown over seeing so many amazing dresses in real life! Some of them looked like real life versions of the most frilly lolita dream you´d ever imagine <3 We had to hide behind the stage, and basically walked up one by one, strolling slowly down off of the stage and a bit in between the crowds, before we got up on stage again, waved slightly to the next model coming up behind us, and then we stepped off the stage and got behind it. I was sooooo nervous and felt like my smile was really stiff, but I tried my best. In the end everyone stepped on the stage again, and the arranger introduced the models and talked about some of the pieces. This is my first time modelling for a real fashion brand!
And I am so happy it is my favourite one also ;0;
Afterwards we when we were finished, we took loads of pictures and talked!
We even got a couple of nice group shots off all of us <3
Basically, I was a bit dissapointed in my outfit >.> I had to wear a dress that was faaaar to big and long, they even pinned it in and it still looked weird on me, so it was not a very good outfit at all ^^" hehe... I guess thats what you get when they make last minute changes and you are unable to attend meetings for trying the dresses on... Everyone else looked sooo amazing though! I was mindblown over seeing so many amazing dresses in real life! Some of them looked like real life versions of the most frilly lolita dream you´d ever imagine <3 We had to hide behind the stage, and basically walked up one by one, strolling slowly down off of the stage and a bit in between the crowds, before we got up on stage again, waved slightly to the next model coming up behind us, and then we stepped off the stage and got behind it. I was sooooo nervous and felt like my smile was really stiff, but I tried my best. In the end everyone stepped on the stage again, and the arranger introduced the models and talked about some of the pieces. This is my first time modelling for a real fashion brand!
And I am so happy it is my favourite one also ;0;
Afterwards we when we were finished, we took loads of pictures and talked!
We even got a couple of nice group shots off all of us <3
Here we are! <3 I am the second from the left in the top row!
Everyone was so stunning <3
After that we also got individual shots, which we took outside! ^0^
( I didn´t get her name sadly >.<")
In Quartet Chocolate in mint!
(didn´t get her name either)
In Lucienne Dream in blue!
in Wonder Queen in blue!
in Wonder Queen in blue!
In Sugar Dream Dome in pink!
(I love that print so much ;^;)
In Quartet Chocolate OP in pink!
(looking horrid >.> my eyes look tiny for some reason, and this dress was so huge omg)
(looking horrid >.> my eyes look tiny for some reason, and this dress was so huge omg)
in Victorian Letter OP in ivory!
Amanda & Melva
in Dramatic Rose OP and Mercator Antique Shops in pink and dark blue!
( I love Amandas look so much, she looked like a real life princess! And Melva was stunning!)
( I didn´t get her name either! >0< sorry! )
In Pompadour in ivory!
(this dress was unbelieveable in real life TT O TT)
(our lovely photographer <3)
(our lovely photographer <3)
in Cameo Window in red!
The Finnish lolitas! ^^
In Loyal Rosette in green!
In The Love Princess OP in red!
in Cream Cookie Collection in light blue!
(I dream of this OP in blue TT ^ TT )
And that is it! ^0^
After taking these pictures, most of us got changed out of the clothing, since they weren´t ours and all of it was quite expensive and was going to be sold later on the event!
(even though most of us made the joke that we´d just leave without changing haha)
I think its a bit odd that I was the only norwegian person there though ;V; ehehe...
(even though most of us made the joke that we´d just leave without changing haha)
I think its a bit odd that I was the only norwegian person there though ;V; ehehe...
It was a magical experience and I am sure everyone enjoyed it!
I was so surprised and happy to meet the finnish lolitas! ;V; I´ve only seen pictures of them online before, and I was especially happy to meet Katarina, since I´ve been following her blog for so long!
She is an amazing lolita, and her apartment is a dream! You should all go follow her! ^0^
I was so surprised and happy to meet the finnish lolitas! ;V; I´ve only seen pictures of them online before, and I was especially happy to meet Katarina, since I´ve been following her blog for so long!
She is an amazing lolita, and her apartment is a dream! You should all go follow her! ^0^
Me and Emilia decided to go back to the booths where we both got some plushies and other cute little things ;V; (I will tell you about my over all purchases later ;-3 )
Later, we were both so tired we just decided to head back to Emilias.
There (inspired by the nail-art ladies) we did our nails for the tea-party to come (Emilia did mine <3) and we watched chick-flick movies (I am talking big time, stuff like Mean Girls and Legally Blonde xD haha)
It was such a good time and we had fun ^^ It is nice just hanging out like that ;V;
Thats the wrap up for day one! ;-)
I hope you enjoyed reading about it, and please comment below
if you know any of the names I didn´t, or just in general! ^0^
if you know any of the names I didn´t, or just in general! ^0^
A last one of me and Emilia together!
Funny thing, we were actually surposed to wear the opposite dresses!
In Cameo Window in brown!
Thanks once again for reading!

Aaaah I have been waiting for a post about the AP events in Scandinavia! When I spotted you on one of the pictures I was ‘WHAAAAH SO COOl!’
SvarSlettHow awesome you got chosen as a model! *o* But whoa, you had to BUY AP shoes!? I never thought of that…
But I think you looked wonderful, and so did the other models!
Also I am really curious: why did you and Emilie switch dresses? ^^
Aww yay I am glad you enjoyed mine, even though it wasn´t so good ^^" haha..
SvarSlettI had to buy shoes because I didn´t have any genuine angelic pretty shoes, and I didn´t bring any lolita clothing with me, and we had to provide our own shoes for the show ^^"
We had to switch dresses because Emilia tried it on and it was too long for her, but really it didn´t suit me either but I wasn´t able to attend the meeting where they tried on the dresses since I was in Norway doing university things, so I only got there on the day before it happend and when I tried the dress on it was too late to do anything even though it didn´t fit me at all! >.<
Yayyy you're back! ^u^
SvarSlettThe event looks like so much fun! And though the dress is big on you I still think you looked quite pretty c: What dress would you have liked to wear idealy?~
I'm looking forward to part 2 ^_^
I was going to wear the dress Emilia wore, as I wrote under the last picture!
SlettI am glad you enjoyed the blog entry!
Awww you all look so beautiful <3 Really hope i can join such an event someday ^_^
SvarSlett~ Sann
thank you! ;V; I hope you can reach your dreams too! ^0^
SlettThank you so much for your sweet words *_* I was really happy to meet you too <3 Hope we meet some day soon! Ans I think you looked really cute in your outfit!
SvarSlettAww thank you for reading my update ^^ I am glad it made you happy <3
SlettAnd thank you for being so nice to me <3 I hope its not too long until we get to meet hopefully >v<
there's so much cuteness on this blog entry... Although you say the dress was big on you, I still think you looked stunning!