Super short entry today, with HUGE news!
For the past year now (oh my gosh, has it really been a whole year?
) I have been working on secret project that I haven´t told anyone of you about. It has been totally shush-shush up until today, when I could finally see the finished result of the efforts put behind it all.
I have decided to try out making youtube videos!
Thats right, you didn´t hear me wrong, I have decided to see what it will be like if I start doing som vlogging. Me and a very helpfull guy from my class at school has been working on this video, and because of different reasons (like super busy school schedules mostly) we haven´t really been able to do much about it until now. So without any further ado, I present to you all, a tiny little preview that I hope you guys will enjoy. (also please watch it in HD quality for the best experience!)
Frillypinkdreams: Coming soon
this is awesome! so exited to see what you'll do :D
SvarSlettthank yooou x3 I am super excited about this as well! *v*
SlettSo cool! *o*
SvarSlettyour promo looks awesome!
Can' wait to see some videos! :D
thank you ;v; I will do my best! ^v^
Slettreally looking forward to your vlogs ^_^ Good Luck!
yaay ^^ thank you very much, gambarimasu! ^^
SlettOHMYGOD ALL CAPS MUSIC!!!!! AHHHHH!! DON'T UNPLUG ME!! i love kristina and luke!! this is AMAZING!!! can't wait to see what your channel brings! c:
Whaaah, really? ;v; thats so awsome! I love that music also xD <3
Slettthanks for the support <333
wiii! så kult at du tenker på å vlogge! Previewen var så søt, og så proff! alt du gjør er jo så perfect jo xD Ønsker deg masse lykke til, og gleder meg masse :D
SvarSletthehehe, takk! >v< aww, du er alt for snill <3 Jeg fikk massevis av hjelp da, og jeg kunne ikke ha klart det alene! :3
SlettAHHH! This is what you said to me on tumblr?! How exciting! Can't wait to see your videos cutie, aww ; 3 ; ♥ Good luck! Looking forward to it, really!
SvarSlettyes this is it ;v; <333 iiiiih, I know right?? x3 I am super excited! ^0^
SlettThank you so much for the support hun <3
OMG I need to watch you videos!!!!! This it's a very exiting preview >.<
SvarSlettthank youu! ^v^
Slettsososo excited <3 I love your style so I'm sure your YouTube videos will be perfect! x
SvarSlettwhaah >v> I´m just a beginner so don´t expect too much >v< ehehe
SlettThank you for the support though!