I was nominated for another blog award ;v; wow, really, you guys are just the best! ^0^ I am so happy that you enjoy and find inspiration in my blog <3 That is my goal after all! Without you, I would never have been able to get where I am today!
1. If you are nominated, you have been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award.
2. Thank the person who gave you this award. That´s common courtesy.
3. Include a link to their blog. That is also common courtesy.
4. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you have recently discovered or follow regularily
5. Nominate those 15 blogs/bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
6. Finally tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
I was nominated to this blog award by the super cute girl Olivia from
Please visit her blog, she is so adorable omg ;v; thihi <3
Now, these are the bloggers I nominate for the Versatile Blogger award! ^0^
They are in no particuilar order, I have just numbered them to keep better track!
They are in no particuilar order, I have just numbered them to keep better track!
I picked some blogs I follow, some blogs that follow me, and then some to fill in the blanks ^^" hehe
Now, onto 7 facts about me!
I am super duper indecisive! I am probably the least impulsive person you can ever find, as I have to think about things a thousand times before I can decide on what to do xD haha
I love watching cartoons, and I have done ever since I was a child! These days, my favourite cartoon is Adventure Time ^0^ <3
I wish to do more about my blog this year! More tutorials and general themed entries, since I never intended for this to be a "every day life" kind of blog to begin with ^^"
It kinda just became that way, sadly...
This summer, I am going to work at the library again! ^0^ so excited!
I love drinking strawberry milk very much *v* I wish I could drink it a lot more, because it makes me feel so magical and princess–like >0< hohoho
I own three gaming machines of three different reasons ;3; My Sony playstation 3 to satisfy my need for great graphics, my Nintendo Wii for my need for cutesy and colourful games, and my Nintendo DS to for my need to play cutesy games or entertain myself when we are away traveling or such >v>.
I have a wish about starting to take drawing commissions,
but I am afraid no one would want one ;v;"""
I hope you enjoyed the entry today!
And congratulations to all the nominees! ^0^
Stay tuned!
Sometimes being indecisive is good! I'm the complete opposite, I'm very impulsive ;___;
SvarSlettAdventure Time rocks! <3
aww x3 hehe, you are incredibly cute >v< you are like a quick little bunny just "jumping to decisions x3" hihi
Slettyaay! Adventure time >w< <333
Wow thankyou so so so so SO much, I'm so flattered! I'll do my post ASAP :) xx
SvarSlettYaay ^^ I am so happy you will! ^^
SlettAww thank you for the award! :3 I check your blog every now and then but I finally now signed up as a reader. :D
SvarSlettwhaaaah >v< really??? I feel so flustered because I look up to you so much! >v< you are such an amazing lolita and I love your style ^^ <3 Thank you!
Slett;_; Really? I love your style too and you're so cute! :D Thank you so much!
SlettYou are too sweet for nominating me darling! <3 Thank you!
SvarSlettNo problem sweetie ;v;
SlettThank you for the nomination ♥
SvarSlettyou´re very welcome :)
Slettw00t!! Adventure Time high-five over the Internet!! And yes, I would totally commission something from you (if I wasn't completely broke the majority of the time.)
SvarSlettwhaah ;v; yay! more adventure time fans! :) oh wow really??? gosh, I have been thinking about doing like.... 10$ chibi commissions ^^"
Slettmy response is up on my blog! http://roseandvintage.blogspot.com/ !xx
SvarSlettI am happy you were able to do it!^^
SlettOh dear, thank you sooo much :) :) I know I am someone who just fills the blank, but I am still very happy, because you are for me one of the most beautiful and the greatest lolita so thanky a lot :) :) ,, Nice day :)
SvarSlettDenne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
Slettoh ,don´t say that! I think you are very sweet and you deserve the award :)
Slettthank you for the nice compliment! Have a lovely day yourself ^^