After I met Peachie, I´ve felt like my inner sweet lolita spirit has been boosted! So, recently I´ve worn quite a few lolita outfits
! It has been a while since I posted any outfit entries, and I´ve really wanted to do it for a while
... I hope you guys are as excited as I am!
I am really pleased with all of these outfits, so I hope you like them as well 
~Outfit nr.1~
Some days after my return, I met up with the documentary guys again. Because of my vacation, and because they had been busy, we almost hadn´t met at all for ages! So we had to set up a rather busy schedule for the upcoming week, since they were going to leave after just a bit after that!
On sunday the in the week when I came home, Martin (the guy assigned to follow me) visited me for a photo session with me getting dressed in lolita, doing my makeup–routine
and me taking pictures of my outfit for my blog in my mirror >->"""
I was quite inspired by Peachie, and since I wanted to illustrate sweet lolita fashion as good as I could for the situation, I decided to wear memorial cake, in a pink, sweet and "hime" lolita outfit
Princess Pink fluff
Jsk: Angelic Pretty
Blouse: trift shop vintage
Tights: H&M
Socks: H&M
Shoes: Baby the star shines bright
Wig: Prisila
Accessories: Angelic Pretty, homemade, gift,
Chocomint,Glitter, vintage
On sunday the in the week when I came home, Martin (the guy assigned to follow me) visited me for a photo session with me getting dressed in lolita, doing my makeup–routine
and me taking pictures of my outfit for my blog in my mirror >->"""
I was quite inspired by Peachie, and since I wanted to illustrate sweet lolita fashion as good as I could for the situation, I decided to wear memorial cake, in a pink, sweet and "hime" lolita outfit
Jsk: Angelic Pretty
Blouse: trift shop vintage
Tights: H&M
Socks: H&M
Shoes: Baby the star shines bright
Wig: Prisila
Accessories: Angelic Pretty, homemade, gift,
Chocomint,Glitter, vintage
I really like how I did my makeup this time also.
I will probably get some of the pictures from the photoshoot sometime soon,
and when I do, I will do an update!
~Outfit nr.2~
The second outfit I wanted to show you is the sweet lolita outfit I wore to school,
when we took our class picture last week!
Jsk: Angelic Pretty
Cutsew: Angelic Pretty
Tights: H&M
OTK: Secret Shop
Shoes: Secret Shop
Accessories: Angelic Pretty, Chocomint, CuteCanKill,
HolleyTeaTime, Homemade, vintage
"Will senpai notice me this year?"
And lastly, just a little lazy free-time outfit I wore because I wanted to wear something cute and versatile at home during a weekend not too long ago
~Outfit nr.3~
I loooove room–wear, and I dream to obtain many more sets
when I have the funds for it >v> Currently I just own this one that I got from DreamV,
but it is super cute and comfy so I just totally adore it!
No makeup worn since it was just a lazy outfit
To end this entry, I want to write a bit about a present I recently got from
my very best friend in the whole world

because she is just so perfectly kind and wonderful like that
omg, you guys have nooo idea how I cried when I unwrapped this thing 
Seriously! She is so talented it is just amazing! It looks totally like me and everything ;_;
I don´t even know what to say... I feel so incredibly proud of her <3 I´ve seen her progress for almost ten years now, and she is just so stunningly amazing I just.... it took my breath away, and my parents had to comfort me for a little while because I wept... Silja, I love you<3 This is the most amazing gift I have ever recieved in my entire life...
To see more of my best friends amazing art, and to support her wonderful skills,
please visit her deviantart page HERE
It will definitely be worth your while!
That´s it for now, I really hope you guys enjoyed this entry! I have finally figured out how to use small pixel icons inside my texts! yaaay! I will continue to do that onwards,
because I love how cute it looks ^^
Until next time!
Stay cute and genki! >0<
Await more reports from the kawaii world of frillypinkdreams x3
You are so cute! I love that last outfit.
SvarSlettThank you ;v; I´m glad you liked it!
Slettso, so pretty!!! I've always loved Lolita but never really had the confidence to wear it. You suit it so much, your outfits are really lovely ^_^ I LOVE your roomwear outfit, it looks super duper comfy
whaah ;v; thanks! ^^ You should definitely try out lolita! ^^ I bet you would look great in it!
SlettI love comfy room wear <3 ;v;
very cute, I am so jealous because Memorial cake is my only dreamdress and I dont have money for it :( :( ,, but I hope once I will be able to buy it .)
SvarSlettoooooh! really? Memorial cake is your dream dress also??? :D yaay! It is my ultimate nr.1 favourite dream dress *v* So I´m very happy to meet other memorial cake fans! xD
Slettyes, mine too, I just LOVE it :D :) and pink really suits you :))
SlettHello cutie, you will not believe it (even I still cant believe) , but I finally bought Memorial cake op and headbow!! :D yayy I am soo happy and dont know who can I share my happiness with, thats reason why am I writing to you :) :) .. nice day :3 :)
Slettlove your cute outfits ^^ that painting of you is truly amazing!!! :O
SvarSlettthank yoooou ^0^ I love that painting ;A; she is so talented!
SlettDuu er så peen ; u ; osososo elsker jeg den parykken D: meeen jeg lurte litt på om du skulle på desucon i år jeg ouo<3
SvarSlettwhaaah ;v; takk <333
Slettååh, jeg har skikkelig lyst, men det er ganske dyrt for meg å komme meg dit og hotel er skikkelig dyrt også så jeg tror ikke jeg har råd >.<"""
You are so amazing, your look is always perfect *o*
SvarSlettthank you ;A; what an amazing compliment!
SlettI'm just in love with all your outfits omg ;w; You're perfect! I wish I was like you!
SvarSlettAnd that painting is just AMAZING *O*
Aww, don´t wish to be me! Be your wonderful self to the fullest instead! ^0^
Slettthere is only one you, so be the truest you ;)
thank you for the kind words and support though!
I love your first outfit! I think that color of hair looks great on you <3
SvarSlettI also nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award~
aww, thank you! ^^ That is acctually the colour of my natural hair, before I bleached it! x3 haha
Slettoooh wow! I feel so honoured ;v; Thank you very much!
SvarSlettI never thought that someone can look so amazing!!!
Omg, I am just in love with you right now!
I am totally following you now, dear!
I just found your blog through tumblr and i must say you're just soooo pretty! I love your look, sweet was made for people like you. <3