
I decided to make a video of myself opening the Pinkly Ever After package I got a while ago! ^v^
I know its a bit overdue, but yeah, I spendt a long time editing and such since I´m very new to all this... video-making stuff ^^" ehehehehe.....
I hope you guys like this video, and please excuse my "derpyness", I am simply fangirling and I sound like a total idiot, and I didn´t even wear makeup, which makes me look sooooo ugly, hence also why I hesitated with uploading this video because I was like
"uhm.... I´m so gonna regret this >.>" but yeah...
"uhm.... I´m so gonna regret this >.>" but yeah...
I HOPE I won´t regret uploading this video!
Once more, bear with me as a newbie, and don´t expect to much...
As I said earlier, I got toooons of help with my preview video, so yeah ^^"
Please have a look at my new video! ^^
Thats it! ^^ Feel free to post questions in this blog post also,
if you wonder about anything for the Q/A video! ^0^
if you wonder about anything for the Q/A video! ^0^
I want to do loads of fun things this summer!
also after my work period and in the afternoon ^-^ yay!
you are super cute so no worries or regrets uploading this video!!! :) your english is super good too! can't wait for the next video ^^
SvarSlettomg thank you ;v; that means very much to me! >.< I was like, so hesistant about uploading this, but it had been such a long time that I thought I really ough to upload something, and I was really tired after school so I didn´t bother with makeup and I kinda felt terrible afterwards so yeah >.>
SlettYou are so cute! ;w;
SvarSlettThank you ;3;
SlettAww... you were so adorable in this video. I really enjoyed watching this video a lot and don't worry about the no make up. You looked very nice without it. I would say you may become just as great a Lolita youtuber with the lovely Princess Peachie, who apparently is also your friend, soon.
SvarSlettOne question I am curious about for your next video (the Q&A one) is how do you like to decorate your room and how did you get it the way it is now? I'm curious about how Lolitas reflect their style in their rooms because I know I'd like to do that. Also one more, what is your current camera (video and regular) and what do you think is the best way to take a photo of yourself if you were wearing an outfit? I'm curious about that too. Thanks again for sharing the video, it was really good.
aww, you are far to kind ;A; I have miles and miles to go to become such a good youtuber as Peachie is! >.<
SlettThank you very much for the questions! I will note them for the Q/A video :3
Hello, it's me again! ;) I would like to ask for your permission to put a link to your blog on mine please. I always like to read your blog because you write so interestingly. And all the sparkly-ness that comes across your posts is so awesome too (The interesting fonts, gifs, and little pixelated images are fun and add interest to your posts). Get back to me soon, okay? I would love to list you, but only if you let me of course.
oh wow O.O Sure, if you really want to *flabbergasted*
SlettHi, I love your Video, you're so cute. :) And how did you become that good in English? Did you make an exchange year or something? Please tell me, I want to become as fluent as you! :P
SvarSlettthank you ;v; Uhm, I use english a lot in my everyday life? ^^ Like, on the internet I almost always write in english, and in school we have english and we use english a lot at home also when we talk, so yeah ^^
SlettJust use it a lot! thats my best tip
oh my, you are simply the cutest! ;o; ♡
SvarSlettthank you *;v;
SlettYou are so cute! *-* <3
SvarSlettYou're not ugly at all, you're so cute ! <3 I love your reactions xD so adorable haha. The dress is like that of a princess! And i love all the items~
SvarSlettthank you ;v; heheh, I was so excited ;v;
SlettYou are super adorable!!! Just found you via. your youtube channel!
SvarSlettThe dress is so cute!!! Ugh! rushed to check if they had any left but damn! All gone, :/
Should do a OOTD post of you wearing the dress!! :D
-Miss Sennnaa
Oh, wow really? thats so cool! ;v; yeah, the dress is one of a kind so mine is the only one ;v; <3
SlettI have allready worn the dress in an outfit and posted about it! :D
You're so adorable! Please don't say otherwise, you're so SO pretty and cute! ♥
SvarSlettAlso everything in that package is just perfect *O*