søndag 26. august 2012

+ recently in lolita +

Since I have worn a couple of lolita outfits since the last time I updated about what I´ve worn, 
I decided to make a little post about it ^^

 this outfit is from the last week of summer vacation, and since I was running some errands that day, I wanted to keep it simple and easy. I really wanted to wear something with short sleeves also, since it was a rather warm day! I had been eager to try out the new vintage porselain brooch my mom got me. I think it suited this cordinate rather nicely <3


Everyday Twinkling

Skirt/headbow: Baby, the stars shine bright
Blouse: Bodyline
Tights: H&M
Shoes: Baby, the stars shine bright
Accesories:  Glitter, vintage, gift

fun with buns >w<

I did not really wear the next outfit, as it was more of an experiment I wanted to try out. 
Lately I have wanted to see if I could make a kind of goofy, yet cute and a bit geeky cordinate! 
I think it turned out rather cute ^^ I really need some pastel suspenders though * v*

Nerding it up - cute style

Skirt/headbow: Angelic pretty
Blouse: Baby, the star shines bright
Socks: Secret Shop
Shoes: An*Tai*Na
Accesories: Glitter, Angelic Pretty, chocomint, Milklim, HolleyTeaTime, homemade 

This is the first time I have worn my decoration dream skirt w/o the suspenders!
I should have had more yellow with this cord... I like how the bow brightens the blouse ^^

What do you think about the new way of getting outfit shots? straight up and down, instead of slightly tilted? I wanted to take some pictures like that, to see if it looked better! ^^
 I would appreciate some feedback on it

I have been thinking about buying an LSR camera for some time now, since I could take way better pictures, and because I kind of need it for school. There is an online shop that has a really good offer on one right now, but I need to consider that I will be pretty much broke if I do... need to discuss this with my teachers... 

In other news, I have been painting furniture for my bedroom! Yesterday, my father helped me hang up a new shelf over my desk. It is really nice and pink,
 and I just love how it matches with the room!^^  I am in the process of painting my drawers pink also, but I won´t show you any pictures of it yet.

fredag 24. august 2012

Honeycolour circle lenses ^0^

Yesterday, my first EVER pair of circle lenses arrived at my house ! ^^ yaay!
This is something I have wanted to buy for aaaages, but really, I have been to nervous to do so. First of all, I have been really nervous about buying from a reliable shop, and secondly I have been really scared that I wouldn´t be able to take proper care of them >.< 

When I got my salary from this years summer job, I decided to finally go for it. It was now or never. 
I researched what lense-solution I should buy, and made sure to get that also, to be completly prepared.
I have been watching tutorial upon tutorial on youtube, on how to open cases, insert lanses into your eyes, and how to clean them for many days now, just so make sure that I knew how to do everything properly. It is my eyes we are talking about here, and I would rather not ruin them :-S 

After asking around for a bit, I came to the conclusion that the webshop

was quite reliable, and had a good service deal,
since they also sendt a free lense case with your lenses! ^^ 
Since it was my first time getting lenses, I also looked around on what were the most popular choices in colour and type was! This lead me to deciding on the "GEO Super Angel Brown" lenses :)
 Click through to go directly to the webshop! ^0^
(Since my eyes are naturally quite big, I wanted to make sure they looked even bigger with lenses in them,
and therefore I went with the super sized ones

Shipping 5/5

 I placed my order on the 16th of August, and it said to take about 2 weeks in shipping.
Still it took only 7 days from the order was made, until yesterday, when they arrived,
 on the 23rd of August.
That is really great, considering I only ordered by the cheapest shipping method of them all! 

Service 5/5

When I placed my order, they quickly gave an email that said they had got the order and would process it as soon as possible. The very next day, they sendt me another email with information about the tracking code, and that the packaged was safely shipped.

Package 5/5

The lenses came in a small, bubblewrap-stuffed envelope, with the lense case losely placed inside, while the lenses themselfs was placed inside a small case, 
with easy-to-follow instructions on how to apply the lenses! 
I was really happy that they had both pictures and text to illustrate easily how it is done.

Englargement 4/5

this is not the best image ever, but you can easily see that I am wearing a lense on my right eye!
I am very happy with how the enlargement looks, it really makes my eyes look like doll eyes ^0^
However, I could have wanted them to be just a liiiittle bit bigger, hence this one not getting a full score. 

Colourblend 5/5

The colours of these lenses matches perfectly with my own colour, and they are not "shining through" what-so-ever! I am very happy about this, because I have seen plenty of pictures where you can easily spot the real colour underneath the lenses, and I was kind of afraid that would happen to mine also. 
These however, have colour really up close to the pupil, and doesn´t show my actual colour.

Comfort 3.5/5

I am sure it can very well be because it is my first time ever wearing lenses, but I still feel like they could be a little bit more comfortable. They tickle the eye a little bit, and sometimes when I blink, I have to do it a bit carefully. However, they do nothing with my eye sight at all, which I think is great. Everything is just as clear and fine like it normally is. The reason may be that I also struggled a bit with getting them on, but all in all, I do not mind at all, and I think they feel pretty ok.


Total score: 27.5/30

Now some pictures of them on me! ^0^

(I am only wearing regular makeup, since I do not own false lashes yet)

I was very happy with the result, and can´t wait to try on false lashes for the first time, to see what they look like together ^^

I will really reccomend to buy your lenses from Honeycolor. they are fast, reliable, and has great service! I will definitely buy from them again. 

Do YOU have circle lenses?

Thank you very much for reading!

lørdag 18. august 2012

*simply for furture reference*

... Yet again I am looking back at a summer vacation that I was sure I would use for something good, and yet again, I end up realizing that this years vacation turned out to be just like all the other ones XD haha
Nothing at all was done, only sleeping, blogging, taking walks and reading... I should have been working on my drawing skills, but I was extremly tired when the school year was over, and as time flew by, I also got a summer job, and drawing just disappeared completly from my mind ~

The funny thing about the end of the summer vacation, is that very often, you feel like you just suddenly get a huge energy boost, and you seem to have the inspiration and drive to do just about anything! Sadly though, since it is the end, you really don´t have time for any of it, because school takes over... 
However, I intend to do my best and try to keep myself inspired and happy,
 since life really is far to short to just mope around and be sad! ;-)
A good thing about suddenly getting inspired and feeling like you want to do stuff and make things at the start of the school year, is that it might be postive when it comes to school work! Personally, I would rather use all my energy making things and doing stuff out of personal interest though XD 

SO! I decided to make a list for you :) This is a list of what can be expected to come on this blog in the
near furture ^^ Planned entrys and such! I really wanna take this blogging thing more serious,
because it gives me a lot of pleasure to share my ideas and thoughts,
and knowing that I am able to inspire someone is just the most amazing feeling ever! ^^ 

List of blog-entries to come
  • Circle lenses! My first pair of circle lenses ever, what I think of them, and maybe a review?
  •  Big taobao order. A haul entry with loads of goodies and exciting information about them :)
  • Rainbowholic shopping service review! 
  • Kurebayashi Haruka: get the look! 
  • D.I.Y: room decoration! An inspiring post with new updates I have been doing on my room,
    and things you can easily do to update yours!

 And offcourse I will regularily update you upon my outfits ;-) 
I hope this school year will be gentle when it comes to homework, so that I have time for all of this! ^0^ hohoho~
Finally I feel like my blog is taking the turn I have wanted it to take for ages >w<
I am just pumped with energy to get all of this started! 

Please stay tuned for the next exciting entry!


lørdag 11. august 2012

Peculiar thoughts of odd whimsy

When you live your life with a mental disease, it is almost like having a second person inside of you... 
There is this one person that is focused, resonable and healthy, while there is another sort of crazy, loopsided person that has completly turned right into wrong and vise versa... 

Presently, I am quite confused over the current situation of what I am going through in my life, and therefore I am finding that every single day becomes an utter pain to endure....
I feel tired from simply thinking, which might sound far from as exhausting as it currently is... 
It kind of feels like I am being pulled in several directions at once, because my head is telling me to do this and that, and not this and that because it is wrong, but acctually it is right, but still totally wrong :S

Not only am I experiencing getting worse, thinking of my health and all, but a depression is growing inside of me, that just won´t let go... It is all very silly and confusing, and mostly I just feel like everything is one big movie and that nothing is for real... like a dream of some sort... not one of the really good ones, sadly... 
It is partly due to the fact that I am extremly bored and have far to much time on my hands...

Yesterday, my sister , who is home for vication, gave me something which I believe might be a vintage belt! 
I quite liked it, and thought of an outfit almost imediatly, so I had to try it out today ^^ 

Shiro elegance
Shoes: ???
Tights: Amazon
Skirt: H&M kids section
Belt: vintage
Blouse: Bodyline
Accesories: Glitter, H&M, Kreepsville 666

I quite like the details of this one :) The necklace really is a great contrast to the feminine and cutesy blouse, which gives of a creepy cute look ^^ 

I have another outfit that I recently wore to work, with the same skirt! It is very different, acctually one of my best fairy-kei atempts (in my opinion anyway xD) and gives off a totally different wibe,
 so I decided to post it also:

 Playful Lilac
Slippers: (only worn while at home) H&M
Tights: HolleyTeaTime
Skirt: H&M kids section
Sweater: Milklim
Accesories: Angelic Pretty, Chocomint, Milklim, Glitter

But really, these days I am so worn out that if I get out of my jammies it is really a miracle, so most days, I acctually just look like this, when I am at home...

( you can´t tell, but the sweater has wine-red letters that goes with the tights xP)

As  a kind of interesting add, for some of you, I can say that I finally managed to finish all of the pages of my comic! ^^ YAAY <3 I am so slow with things like that XD I was acctually planning to post all of the pages a week ago, but I forgot, since I was so busy with work and such >.< ughhh...

I hope you like the result!

(The text was just made up as I made the pages, so I appologize for the poor quality :S ehehe...)

I am otherwise really pleased with how it turned out, and proud to say
that my first comic pages made professionally turned out ok! ^0^ 

I would really, really appreciate to hear from all of you what you think about it :D

 A couple of days ago was my last day at the library for the summer, and even though it felt good, it was almost a little bit sad walking out of there for the last time in a while ... I will most lightly work there later on, when they have the need for extras, but currently, I am finished. 
Yesterday, I also got my salary for the first 3 weeks of work and FINALLY I could order things again! ^^ YAAY! I am so happy about it :D I have been pretty much broke for a couple of months now
(I am not counting the hairdresser money, since money sat aside for a particuilar purpose
really is the same as being broke to me
Hopefully, I will hear from the shopping service I contacted about it very soon,
and quickly get my new taobao items :3  
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer vication, or the start of the new school year
(whichever it is for you) 
I don´t have any plans for now, other than reading "the hitchaikers guide to the galaxy" with my sister, and since we are just about done, it seems like the next exciting thing to happen won´t be until I get my packages, or letters from my penpals x3 
Thanks for reading!