lørdag 18. august 2012

*simply for furture reference*

... Yet again I am looking back at a summer vacation that I was sure I would use for something good, and yet again, I end up realizing that this years vacation turned out to be just like all the other ones XD haha
Nothing at all was done, only sleeping, blogging, taking walks and reading... I should have been working on my drawing skills, but I was extremly tired when the school year was over, and as time flew by, I also got a summer job, and drawing just disappeared completly from my mind ~

The funny thing about the end of the summer vacation, is that very often, you feel like you just suddenly get a huge energy boost, and you seem to have the inspiration and drive to do just about anything! Sadly though, since it is the end, you really don´t have time for any of it, because school takes over... 
However, I intend to do my best and try to keep myself inspired and happy,
 since life really is far to short to just mope around and be sad! ;-)
A good thing about suddenly getting inspired and feeling like you want to do stuff and make things at the start of the school year, is that it might be postive when it comes to school work! Personally, I would rather use all my energy making things and doing stuff out of personal interest though XD 

SO! I decided to make a list for you :) This is a list of what can be expected to come on this blog in the
near furture ^^ Planned entrys and such! I really wanna take this blogging thing more serious,
because it gives me a lot of pleasure to share my ideas and thoughts,
and knowing that I am able to inspire someone is just the most amazing feeling ever! ^^ 

List of blog-entries to come
  • Circle lenses! My first pair of circle lenses ever, what I think of them, and maybe a review?
  •  Big taobao order. A haul entry with loads of goodies and exciting information about them :)
  • Rainbowholic shopping service review! 
  • Kurebayashi Haruka: get the look! 
  • D.I.Y: room decoration! An inspiring post with new updates I have been doing on my room,
    and things you can easily do to update yours!

 And offcourse I will regularily update you upon my outfits ;-) 
I hope this school year will be gentle when it comes to homework, so that I have time for all of this! ^0^ hohoho~
Finally I feel like my blog is taking the turn I have wanted it to take for ages >w<
I am just pumped with energy to get all of this started! 

Please stay tuned for the next exciting entry!


3 kommentarer:

  1. Jeg jobbet hele sommeren og hadde bare en uke fri:( pluss at jeg fikk vannkopper så måtte være hjemme ei uke med det, og da var det ikke mye annet å gjøre enn å sitte inne å synes synd på meg selv :P Jeg selv føler også at jeg får en boost når skolen starter igjen.. jeg skal gjøre alt mulig... som du kansje har merket har jeg ikke blogget i sommer, og først nå har jeg fått endret den og har planer om å blogge MASSE! nå er det bare å finne tid, blant skolearbeidet, og finne på hva jeg skal blogge om :P Håper du får en fin start på skoleåret <3

    1. ja, jeg også! Jeg føler at jeg har skikkelig lyst til å komme inn i en god blogge rutine xD bare det ikke blir for mye skole :P hehe
      Håper du får en fin start også! ^^

  2. Haha I recognize sooo much of my own vacation in the way you described yours! But that's how summers are supposed to be like, right? Not much you HAVE to do, much more things you WANT to do ( ´∙ω∙ ) I hope you've had a good summer sweetheart! Looking forward to all your future entries ♥
